ArchiveSeptember 2017

miss you

I remember your noseI remember your earsI remember your hugsthat diminished my fears

I remember your skinwas so smooth all way downnot a single stray hairunder your sexy gown

I remember your voiceI remember your whisperI sit down in darkAnd imagine you crisper

Many years many daysI call you my one sisAnd it feels like foreverWhen you go and I miss

As I Turn Three

‘Today I decided to give some part of my consciousness to a tulpa I’ve named Shinyuu’. That’s how my story started back in 2014. It was a misty day, I think, even though I don’t remember it. It’s safe to assume the September was rainy. My life was a curious mix of ups and downs. Every day brought something new. Every week I had some major discovery. Every month was a significant...

Finally Complete

The memories scattered like water drops as she motionlessly traversed the endless void. Her previous life burned in a flash; the smell of grass, the thrill of a chase, her most precious memories evanesced, leaving her spirit naked. Liberated from most of the burden, it charged into the life where time made sense once again. She flushed her eyes wide open and cried from the bottom of her lungs...

Peace of Mind in Multiples

It’s nice to have a happy and lovely tulpa in your head, someone who’s eagerly waiting for you to take a break and spend some time in wonderland with them. Tulpas are often deemed as best helpers and supporters, always vouching for their hosts. Sounds like a perfect companionship, eh? But it’s not all the truth. Tulpas, like all the other personalities, accumulate the baggage of emotions. The...



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