
I’m curious about the art of tulpamancy, studying the consciousness and the mind.

Peace of Mind in Multiples

It’s nice to have a happy and lovely tulpa in your head, someone who’s eagerly waiting for you to take a break and spend some time in wonderland with them. Tulpas are often deemed as best helpers and supporters, always vouching for their hosts. Sounds like a perfect companionship, eh? But it’s not all the truth. Tulpas, like all the other personalities, accumulate the baggage of emotions. The...

Our Crazy Little Bubble

You never think something like this would ever matter. Until it does. Until it hits you right in your heart, kicks you, fills you up with pain and uncertainty about who you are. And then you're full of hatred towards someone else for them only pretending they understand you; playing with you and nodding to your words only to turn away in disgust when they face the "real" you; one they prefer to...

On Shared Wonderlands

A wonderland is a place where we escape from reality. It’s a place where tulpas sometimes live, building it brick by brick with their imagination. Wonderlands are imagined worlds, as small as a couch, as big as a universe. We want to enjoy living, even though, at times, reality doesn’t bring us enough of that joy. At those times we escape the world and dive into our wonderlands, to the places...

Ink Flows as the Mind Wills

Writing. It’s so simple, yet, sometimes, so hard. You struggle, trying to find words. Hit the keys on the keyboard. Delete. Type more. It’s so different when you write with ink. Fountain pens are beautiful instruments. Curve after curve, the ink flows, and so does your fantasy, your imagination. A word comes to a word, the world in your head takes a second life on the paper. I’ve got a brilliant...

Census 2016 – Genders and Sexuality

Contents Foreword Tulpamancers gender & sexuality Afterword List of charts Foreword I’m back to entertain you with more statistics, assumptions, and conclusions. You can read the previous part here: Libido Analysis. Tulpamancers Gender & Sexuality Today we will dissect tulpamancer genders. This section doesn’t contain any data on tulpas, we are focusing on their hosts. What is the assumed...

Why Not – Personality

This is first of a few shorts about various tulpamancy practices. I want to focus on debunking few ideas and try to reason on why they can make sense at the same time.

This first post is about developing a tulpa's personality.

Sex – what is the question?

It was a while since I raised the topic of tulpa and sex. The last post on the matter—[Considerations of Intercourse for Tulpae](/2015/10/considerations-of-intercourse-for-tulpae/) was the most popular post on my blog ever for almost a year. People are curious about tulpae and sexuality.

I made a further research on this topic, and today I’m going to present my new findings.

On Tulpae

How would one explain what are they? How is it to justify your own existence? The question ‘what is a tulpa’ was raised numerous times on the dedicated forums, chats and newsgroups; people author scientific papers about them. Thousands of words written to explain the phenomena.

Could it be defined simpler?



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