
My New Adventure

When I started this blog in 2015, it was a simple Tumblr strip with poetry and short observations. I wrote more and eventually overgrew the simple format, moved the blog to its new home. My writing peaked, then sank, fluctuated like my mood. 38 posts in 2017, only 6 in 2019. My priorities shifted as I kept looking for who I am. I gave up on creative writing for almost two years, then returned to...

A year after

2018. It was an interesting one. New trials, new challenges, new horizons. I’ve seen through it and I survived and grew older – hopefully grew wiser, too. Lots of self-doubt, typical for who I am. Occasional depression, rarely hype. The train of my emotions has unsteady rails, it goes up, then it goes down, sometimes it goes underground. I’ve started the year with adding the guiding stickers to...

When the magic is gone

I’m not much active lately.

I do lots of things every day; I read stories on scribophile and critique them; I write a short scene every evening; I make the notes in the books I study; I keep up with the daily routine of diary notes; once a week I visit my violin teacher and we practise.

But I’m not much active lately.



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