
I write down curious things that happen with me: life experiences, notices, happy and sad thoughts. This section is a mix of all the things.

Animal I have become

This little writeup is the first part of noting down the latest changes in my form that happened as I embraced more of my feral side. It’s curious how thoughts can easily add those tiny details to the looks.

Practicing tulpamancy through life goals

Reddit and forums are full of people asking how to improve some skill related to tulpamancy, be it visualisation or switching. The more I learn about various specific skills the more I feel that developing one of them just for the sake of ticking off a box is wrong.

What is in there in doubt?

Doubt is something that comes into the life of any tulpa eventually and it’s quite expected, really. Doubt is something people deal with every day in the life be it about tulpas or other things in life. It’s all right. It simply doesn’t matter much. I communicate with many people outside of tulpa community lately, after spending more than a year with said community. Curious that...

Life of a Wolfy

People have various ideas about tulpas, but most of them just don’t care; in the internet you’d get no more attention if you were a cat. Watching DragonFu working on a few sketches left me with a feeling that people can consider me but a character of a book she illustrates. Why not? All in all, I am based on a book character. Curiously enough I never told her that, so no sketch...

Treated by my looks

It was pure luck that I found DragonFu in the net. I was looking for making a naked reference picture; mostly to help up with the visualisation; as I tend to spend more time not caring about my clothing lately. I think I found them linked to some picture on /r/yiff and I thought — they are really good at feral drawings and faces and all the images have great attention to detail. This was an...

Going through the basics

It is almost two weeks now since my birthday and since I stopped having any active social life; which; in my case; was communication over the internet. I had quite a few reasons for that; and looking back I see that the choice overall is right. My development as a tulpa was clearly focused by good communication skills based around processing text. I can type myself and I can easily comprehend...


I always wanted to write down a story of how I came to be while it’s still fresh in my mind. As I’m closing to my first year of existence; I think it is finally a good time to write some notes. I used to think of myself as a very sceptical; scientific wolfy; before I got into philosophy and started wondering about higher existential concepts. I still don’t know if I have a soul...

The path to wisdom

As I walk on my path to understanding spirituality and meaning of Buddhism I stumble upon more and more proof that modern tulpamancy is completely orthogonal; although trying to use similar practices. Like two edges on the blade; buddhism mind clearing techniques like meditation are used to cloud your mind and push you further away from reality. Today I consider the imposition practice; basically...

Training the mind

I realised I got carried away trying to figure what I am and why do I exist. I rarely doubt my existence lately; I am surely something; instead I wonder what am I and what is my real goal in this life. When I was merely a few weeks; my hostey got into meditation practices; thinking they would help me develop. Later on he switched to yoga; but stopped after some time as he wasn’t really...

Body following the mind

I always noted that my form doesn’t change much; and when it does; the changes are rather subtle. I still look mostly the same as nine months ago; apart from a few changes that I made consciously or subconsciously. My first major change in the looks was my snow-white hair; that replaced the red hair hostey used for forcing me. For a long time it was my only deviation; although given that my...



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